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Writer's pictureKath Wallace

Welcome to Gemini Season!

Gemini Season 2022

Image Credit - ©Kath Wallace -

Gemini Correspondences

Element: Air

Modality: Mutable

Ruled by: Mercury

Rules: 3rd House, Shoulder, arms

Colour(s): Yellow, orange

Crystals: Citrine, Agate, Clear Quartz, Aquamarine, Fluorite, Larimar

Herbs: Lily of the Valley, Lavender, Valerian, Dill, Fennel, Lemongrass, Marjoram, Ginger

Opposite sign: Sagittarius

The Sun made its yearly ingress into the first air sign of the zodiac, Gemini, on 20th/21st May, where it will stay until 21st June.

As the Sun moves from sign to sign, we all experience the collective energy that each zodiac sign brings with it, in one way or another.

Gemini astrology
Image Credit - ©Kath Wallace -

You might think that Gemini season has nothing to do with you. However, realising that we each have every sign of the zodiac in our natal chart somewhere, and understanding Gemini energy, might help you navigate this period more easily!

Mercurial Energy

Ruled by rapidly-moving Mercury, the ‘Messenger’ planet that governs the intellect, speech and language, this mutable air sign is known for its lively and curious mind.

Mercury, also known as the trickster, is the Roman God of financial gain, commerce, eloquence, communication (including divination), travellers, and thieves.

Indeed, this charming and persuasive sign with ‘the gift of the gab’ often makes an excellent salesperson and businessperson!

Gemini twins
Image Credit - ©Kath Wallace -

Curiosity and Chaos

On the other hand, Gemini can be deceptive, superficial, and emotionally shallow (maybe ask their ex-lovers).

Although often characterised as an ‘air-head’, don’t be mistaken! Bright and intelligent Gemini is anything but!

Always buzzing with ideas and brimming with new schemes, this adaptable sign is quick to learn, is curious about everything and loves new experiences.

Gemini traits
Image Credit - ©Sisters of the Cauldron Ltd

Whereas Taurus season was all about stability, self-care and a slower pace, Gemini season can seem chaotic and akin to absolute mayhem!

This hyperactive sign is less concerned with practicalities and more concerned with excitement.

Gemini has an extremely short attention span and is easily bored.

Impatient and prone to distraction, Gemini seems to veer off in unexpected directions, juggles many different projects and new endeavours, and usually has a diverse mix of friends and acquaintances.

Boredom Can Be An Issue.....

Whilst some signs of the zodiac thrive on schedules and routine, too much predictability and repetition can be - for restless Gemini - mind-numbingly boring.

Always needing mental stimulation, the most up-to-date information, the juiciest gossip, and spontaneity, Gemini’s enthusiasm and drive, whilst exhilarating and often infectious, can also be exhausting for some.

And with so much going on, this can manifest as an inherent lack of discipline and focus, which can be frustrating for employers, work colleagues or even loved ones.

However, Gemini thrives on change, and its versatility and flexibility ensures it can easily slide into many different scenarios with ease.

The Gemini twins
Image Credits - ©Kath Wallace -

Symbolised by the twins, dualistic Gemini thrives by having many interests and connections with others who might enjoy their highly verbal nature.

Indeed, with a life-long love of learning, Gemini thrives on sharing their broad knowledge and will talk to anyone about anything and everything.

This sociable and expressive sign also brings a sense of fun and frivolity.

Cheerful, optimistic, effervescent and a great storyteller, there’s never a dull moment with Gemini around!

When Gemini expresses positively, it:

  • Is communicative – Gemini NEEDS to communicate with others

  • Makes connections to share ideas

  • Flexible

  • Inquisitive

  • Adaptive

  • Bright

  • Witty

  • Intellectual/intelligent

  • Sociable

  • Curious

  • ‘Jack of all trades’

  • Quick and lively

  • Youthful – Geminis can have a childlike quality

When the lower or shadow side of Gemini expresses, it:

  • Is superficial and shallow – Geminis can lack depth

  • Gossipy

  • Unemotional and cold

  • Inconsistent and erratic – this is Gemini’s mercurial nature

  • Scattered

  • Deceptive

  • Indecisive

  • Lacks focus

  • Has a short attention span

  • Is impatient

  • Is a “Master of none”

Gemini twins glyph
Image by Darkmoon_Art from Pixabay

How to Work with Gemini Energy

  • Be curious and observe the world around you

  • Share your ideas

  • Re-connect with others

  • Network!

  • Start a business

  • Travel

  • Do something different

  • Change your routine

  • Embrace the different sides of yourself

  • Communicate

  • Have fun!

In Spellcraft or Magical Workings

Working magic with Gemini energy is especially powerful for any spellwork related to studying, learning, communication, focus, and clarity.

Any spells to improve your networks or increase business contacts can also be incredibly potent when the Sun is in Gemini.

Incantations and breath work would be particularly beneficial.

Also, it is the perfect time to improve your knowledge about esoteric subjects and the occult by tapping into Gemini’s love of learning.


We still have Mercury retrograde in Taurus until 3rd June.

Dot the i’s, cross the t’s, double-check your travel plans and itineraries, ensure you’re sending emails and messages, etc., to the correct person, and back up your computers and devices!

Happy Gemini season, witches!


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