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Writer's pictureKath Wallace

September Magic

Say Goodbye to Summer and Hello to the ‘Season of the Witch’

Image Credit - ©Kath Wallace -

The wheel of the year continues to turn, and we have now arrived at September and the meteorological start of Autumn in the Northern Hemisphere.

The liminal days of the darker half of the year are now upon us as the shadows elongate, the earth begins to cool, and the early morning mists start rolling in.

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The stirrings of the ‘season of the witch’ have begun as we sense the energies awakening, and Halloween décor is appearing in the shops. However, September represents a liminal time when we can feel Autumn approaching, yet we may still be experiencing the powerful solar energy of the final Summer days.

This transitional time can make September a potent period for magic, ritual and deepening your witchcraft practice.

The word September arises from the old Roman word, Septum meaning ‘seven’, as it was originally the seventh month in the Roman calendar. The Anglo Saxons named it Barley Month as this was the time when barley was harvested to make barley brew.

Harvest is a central theme for this month, as historically, rural communities would be deep in the agricultural work of collecting the harvest during September. Indeed, September’s Full Moon is referred to as the Harvest Moon.

At this time, the last of the grain would be cut, making September a potent time for prosperity and abundance spellwork today.

Employers would hold feasts with food, dancing and merry-making for their employees to acknowledge their hard work and fortify them to continue harvesting the remaining crops.

We will explore the magic of harvest season and its symbols later in the month when we reach the Autumn Equinox from 22nd to 23rd September.

We believe working with the seasonal changes and astrological shifts throughout the year can add potency to our magic. The outer world of urban and natural environments often reflects our inner selves.

So how can we work with the energy of September?

Image Credit - ©Kath Wallace -

Celebrate the End of Summer:

Even though we have the stirrings of Autumn, Summer is not entirely over, and we still have powerful solar energy to soak up. Although the mornings and evenings are beginning to cool here in the UK, there is still warmth in the air.

So, we encourage you to embrace the remaining Summer energy and try to spend as much time as possible outside. Thank the Sun for the Summer you have experienced if it has been positive for you.

If you have had a difficult time, journal or reflect on your experiences and consider if you are ready to release and let it go under the forthcoming Harvest Full Moon.

You can also close the Summer with some fire magic working with the solar energy for success, prosperity, confidence, healing, motivation, increased energy etc.

Image Credit - ©Kath Wallace -

Welcome the Autumn Vibes:

Nature is always in balance, and the counterpoint to celebrating the end of Summer is welcoming Autumn and the season of the witch. We believe it is never too early to plan for Samhain, so you could consider what type of ritual you want to do this year and start collecting any supplies or inspiration.

A Simmer Pot is a beautiful way to cleanse your home and bring in the energy of the season, and you can also infuse it with magical intentions. Consider correspondences such as apples, oranges, cranberries, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, bay leaves, vanilla, star anise, cloves, pumpkin spice etc., which all align with the seasonal energy.

Alternatively, arts and crafts, such as Autumn wreaths or dried flowers, can be charged to align with your September goals.

Finally, September is a powerful time to refresh your wards and protection magic as the darker nights approach. Ensure you have effective mundane and magical protection for your home, personal possessions, car, family members, pets and yourself.

Image Credit - ©Kath Wallace -

Back to School Magic:

Everywhere, children and teenagers are getting ready to start or return to school, which can be stressful for many families. So you may want to employ your witchery skills to help this transition flow more joyfully and effortlessly.

For example, you could create sigils and place them somewhere discreet, such as drawing them inside their lunchbox. Alternatively, enchant their school supplies, so every time they use their pens, rulers etc., your magic will be activated, covering your children in your powerful witchy energy.

If you have older children or children who are aware of and are supportive of your practice, consider a ‘back to school’ mini spell jar or charm bag. You could use correspondences such as rosemary, chamomile, lemon balm, bay leaves, cinnamon, salt, sugar etc.

Depending on the child’s age, they could keep it in their school bag or their bedroom, or you could keep it on your altar on their behalf.

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Follow the Stars:

We have several important astrological transits during September that can support you.

Firstly, we remain in Virgo season until the Autumn Equinox, so work constructively with Virgo energy to get organised, declutter and enhance your daily routine. Virgo is particularly concerned with our health, so reviewing your diet and lifestyle would be supported this month.

Or apply it to your witchcraft practice and arrange your supplies, cleanse your altar or organise and update your magical records.

On 20th August, Mars, the planet of drive, motivation and energy, moved into mutable air sign, Gemini, where it stays until March 2023.

During this time, we may find our minds and intellect very active, and we may feel driven to learn something new or to stretch our current learning goals. You could apply this determined air energy to your witchcraft practice and tackle that ‘to be read’ pile or practice a new witchery skill you have been seeking to master.

Image Credit - ©Kath Wallace -

Go blackberry picking:

We never miss an opportunity to encourage you to go outside and engage with nature!

September is prime blackberry picking season, and this fruit is a magical powerhouse. It is thought to be ruled by Venus and is associated with the elements of water and earth.

Blackberries are vociferous growers and so are excellent for spells for growth, abundance and prosperity. They also produce multiple seeds for each fruit, bringing their fertility energy forward.

However, they are also protective, and folklore tells us that blackberries were used as charms against spirits and vampires, and if you passed under an archway of blackberries, you were cured of your ailments. Practically, their spiky brambles make them potent for warding, protection and baneful magic.

So, we hope this has inspired you with the magic of September!

As always, these are only some examples, and there are many other ways to work with the energy of this transitional month as we continue our journey deeper into the waning year.


There are Still FOUR Months Left in the Waning Year.

Our bestselling Witches Planner, Your Magical Guide to the Waning Year, explores the 'darker' half of the Witches year inside its pages.

In September you'll find our regular witchcrafting ways exercise, our monthly magic spell, an Autumn Equinox feature and a feature on September's New Moon in Libra.

Over the coming months we explore working with spirit allies, how to create a Witches protection bottle, the ultimate Witches festival, Samhain, reading with tea leaves, and much more.

All versions of the Planner, the physical books and our two digital versions are now on sale.

You can grab a copy (before they sell out) by clicking any of the links below.

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