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Writer's pictureKath Wallace

New Moon in Libra

Autumn Magical Simmer Pot

If you celebrated the Autumn Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere on 22nd-23rd September, then today is an opportunity to keep those cosy autumnal vibes going with a Magical Simmer Pot for the New Moon in Libra.

Image Credit - ©Kath Wallace -

Also, if you have not yet had an opportunity to recognise the seasonal energy shift, this simple but effective spell is perfect for celebrating the Autumn season*.

Image Credit - ©Kath Wallace -

We have a New Moon in cardinal air sign Libra on 25th September.

You can still purchase our FIRST New Moon Printable here >>> Get the New Moon in Libra Workbook to learn all about the Libra New Moon energy.

Anyone can use the workbook as the New Moon energy is available to all of us.

You don't need to be a Libra Sun sign to make good use of the workbook!

New Moons signify fresh starts and new cycles, and this New Moon is the first of the Autumn season, making it a perfect time to work with this energy.

New Moons are also potent opportunities to cleanse and purify your home and infuse your environment with the magical energy you wish to draw to you and your loved ones for the Autumn season.

Image Credit - ©Kath Wallace -

Magical Simmer Pots are simple but effective.

They utilise water infused with botanicals and witchy energy, releasing energy as it bubbles away. They are a potent tool for witches as they combine all of the elements: water, earth (herbs, fruit etc.), fire (from the stove), air (steam, chanting etc.).

They have the bonus of smelling amazing and creating an enchanting atmosphere. We have included botanicals with properties that correspond with Autumn, but you can choose any correspondences that align with your goals.

Don’t be afraid to tweak any spell to make it work for you!

For this spell, you will need:

  • A large pot suitable for the stove

  • Water

  • Orange slices (uplifting, happiness, energy)

  • Apple slices (love, healing, spirit work)

  • Honey (sweetness, prosperity, healing)

  • Cinnamon (success, prosperity, power)

  • Cloves (prosperity, protection, cleanses negative energy)

  • Star anise (luck, purification, spirituality)


  • Moon Water (if that is part of your practice)

  • Additional botanicals, e.g., pomegranate, vanilla, cardamom, sage, allspice, almond extract, Pumpkin Spice mix, ginger, bay leaves etc.

  • Spray bottle

Image Credit - ©Kath Wallace -

To begin, assemble your items before you, ensuring you have physically and energetically cleansed your kitchen surface and the pot you will use.

Ground and centre yourself and create sacred space; you may wish to play some music that generates the seasonal atmosphere. At this point, you may also want to call in any spiritual allies you work with to support your spellwork.

Begin by filling the pot with approximately two-thirds full water and putting it on the stove to simmer. Next, consider what energy you want to imbue into your Simmer Pot.

You could build this spell into your New Moon intention setting exercise or consider your goals for the witching season ahead.

You can review the Libra themes in the New Moon in Libra printable or Your Magical Guide to the Waning Year 2022 and assess how they apply to your spell.

When your water is simmering, you can start adding your correspondences, ensuring you bless and empower each item before you add it and call in the specific properties for your spell.

Image Credit - ©Kath Wallace -

For example, hold the orange slices in your dominant hand and channel energy into them, stating,

“I bless and empower this orange and ask it brings uplifting energy and happiness to this home and all who dwell in it”.

Of course, always use wording that feels comfortable to you.

Continue adding your herbs and other items, ensuring you are adding with intention and continuing to flow energy into your Simmer Pot.

When you have added everything, stir clockwise eight times, as eight is a potent number for manifestation.

Finally, place your hands (at a safe distance, without burning yourself) over the pot and channel in more energy; while visualising your intentions for this Simmer Pot.

Image Credit - ©Kath Wallace -

You may want to ask the Libra New Moon to bless your Simmer Pot with its cleansing balancing energy.

You can also chant or draw magical symbols or runes in the air that match your goals.

As the water simmers, the energies will be released into the Universe, and the natural fragrances will create a magical atmosphere in your home.

Keep the pot on a steady simmer until you feel your spell is complete, and ensure it doesn’t boil dry by topping the pot up with more water.

After your spell is complete, you can strain the water and keep it in a spray bottle as a magical air freshener for your altar or around your home to use during this lunar cycle.

Don’t forget to give thanks to the botanicals, the Libra New Moon and any spiritual allies that have supported you.

New Moon Blessings, witches

* You can cast this spell at anytime during the season to cleanse and purify your home and to welcome in magical energy when needed.


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