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Writer's pictureKath Wallace

5 Tips for Practising Powerful Witchcraft

Updated: Jun 22, 2022

How to Get in Touch with Your Inner Witch. Modern Witchcraft and Magic for Beginners and Seasoned Practitioners Alike.

So, you have decided to answer that calling… that gnawing sense that there is something beyond that which we see and experience with our five senses, and you are beginning to explore the path of Witchcraft.

Maybe you have been fascinated by Witches since childhood? Perhaps you’ve come across posts about Witchcraft on social media that pique your interest … or perhaps you just ‘know’ that it’s something you are drawn to.

However, now you have decided to start exploring what it means to be a Witch – that excitement can quickly turn to a feeling of being overwhelmed and lost.

Don’t worry! You aren’t alone; if there is one question, we get asked more than anything here at Secrets of the Cauldron, it’s this … “I feel drawn to being a Witch, but I don’t know where to start?”

Well, you know the famous saying from Alice Hoffman who, wrote Practical Magic; “there is a little Witch in all of us.” Here at Sisters of the Cauldron, we wholeheartedly believe that’s true. In fact, if you want to embrace it, there is A LOT of Witch inside us …

So, here we are going to share five tips to start getting in touch with your inner Witch!

1. Read, Read, and Read Some More!

As a new Witch, I read everything I could get my teenage Witch hands on and I quickly learned that books would become my most powerful tools.

Witchcraft IS a practice, but it also a path of knowledge.

I find it is not enough to know that Witchcraft works - you will be a more empowered and effective Witch if you understand how and why it works.

I’d recommend you start with some introductory Witchcraft books so you can become familiar with the terminology, and you begin to develop an understanding of the basics.

The benefit of studying these books is you get an overview and will quickly get a feel to what aspects of Witchcraft draws you.

woman reading and drinking from coffee cup
(©Kath Wallace –

Most ‘beginner’ books do not give you in-depth knowledge, but they do provide orientation and give you a ‘jumping off’ point into the rest of your studies.

Also, I’d suggest that you don’t start with ‘spellbooks.’

Spellbooks are great for inspiration when you are ready to start spellwork, but the majority do not have sufficient in depth or quality information to begin your studies.

I’d also recommend that you go to source material wherever you can and especially when you want to go deep into a topic.

For example, if you’re drawn to green Witchery, then hit the botany and medicinal herb books rather than just relying on green Witchcraft books.

If you want to learn more about the history of Witchcraft, then delve into the history books.

Remember, just because it’s in a book – it does not mean it is automatically right or true for you.

Make notes of what truly resonates and speaks to you, but equally, identify what does not feel right.

A lot of Witchcraft books are written from the personal perspective of each Witch (which is why you will find so many contradictions), so don’t feel you have to agree or follow their advice.

Witchcraft is a vast subject with numerous sub-topics, so don’t feel you have to learn everything at once because that is impossible!

Make some notes of areas of interest that you want to return to at a later date. Choose a couple of topics to focus on at any one time to prevent you from feeling overwhelmed.

Finally, it is worth acknowledging that you will never stop learning with Witchcraft, so you really can relax and take your time – there is no hurry to ‘learn it all.’

Most Witches keep studying, researching, and absorbing knowledge throughout all their years of practice.

There is always more to learn, and that is one of the things that makes Witchcraft so exciting!

2. Keep a Journal

I am not a natural journal keeper, but keeping a journal about my Witchcraft practice was an invaluable piece of advice given to me in my teen Witch years.

Some Witches will create beautifully curated Books of Shadows and grimoires, and that can certainly come later.

However, for now, all you need is to grab a simple journal and pen.

Journal and pen with amethyst crystals
(©Kath Wallace –

I would suggest that you start making notes of things that you have read that you particularly resonate with, as well as information you disagree with.

You need to start developing your thoughts on the material you are studying, so add your ideas and commentary to your notes.

This is the start of growing your unique insights that will inform your individual pathway.

Your journal is also the place for you to write without censure about Witchcraft and what being a Witch means to you.

You can write about your goals and aspirations as a Witch; as well as any fears and concerns.

It is essential to be open in these pages and speak to your journal from your heart and spirit. Look for journal prompts or written exercises to guide you.

You can also start making notes of any dreams, symbols, meditations, or visualisations in your journal. The act of journaling itself promotes mindfulness and will help you make sense and process any experiences you are having.

It is also really rewarding to look back on your old journals and see how far you have progressed, as you will find you have amassed and processed a lot of information in a short space of time.

3. Hone those Witchery Skills

Witchcraft is a practice, and like all practices, it comprises a set of skills and techniques that are learned.

This especially applies if you see spellwork being a significant part of your pathway, although not all Witches cast spells (however, that is a separate blog post!).

Despite what many spellbooks would have you believe, you can’t just follow a spell as you would a recipe and expect magic to happen.

Magic works through the application of both natural and supernatural energy towards your intended target.

Most of us will need to practice specific skills to work with energy in such a focussed way.

The good news is that these are skills that everyone can learn! I suggest that beginner Witches research and practice the following:

  • Grounding your energy into the Earth

  • Centering your energy and stilling your mind

  • Visualisation techniques

  • Sensing and manipulating energy, e.g. creating energy balls

  • Raising and channelling earth energy

  • Drawing down celestial/universal energy

  • Entering the alpha brainwave state

  • Opening your third eye

Candles and hands with rings and jewellery and coins
(©Kath Wallace –

These are only examples, and there are many more skills you will acquire along the way.

However, I believe these are some of the foundational skills that are beneficial for effective spellwork. You will find example exercises on YouTube, meditation apps, and in spiritual or Witchcraft books.

Don’t worry if you can’t grasp these skills straight away … it’s like learning any new skill; it takes time and dedication as well as trial and error.

However, if you keep practising, you will find yourself being more comfortable with them and they will become more natural.

Having a strong basis of knowledge as well as practical Witchery skills can start you on a path of potent Witchcraft.

4. Develop a Magical Mindset

As Witches, we do not spend most of our time casting spells.

The majority of the time, our Witchcraft practice is about how we view and experience the world and our day to day lives.

It is about finding patterns and meaning in the mundane and connecting to the natural world. By seeing our everyday life through a magical lens, we start to build a stronger connection to our Witchcraft.

So, one thing we can do to develop ourselves as Witches is to create a daily simple magical practice.

This is a short activity that you can undertake for just 5-10 minutes each day to connect to your inner self and the energies around you.

Incense crystals pendulum and tarot cards
(©Kath Wallace –

It is crucial to find a daily practice that is both meaningful and realistic for you.

Some suggestions could include:

  • Lighting a candle or incense and quieting your mind

  • Spending some at your altar or in sacred space

  • Undertaking divination e.g., doing daily tarot card pulls

  • Doing a short meditation or breathwork

  • Undertaking grounding and centring exercises

  • Blessing and energising your food and drinks

  • Doing Visualisation exercises

  • Spending time outdoors or in nature and consciously connecting with the Earth

  • Connecting with any deities, spirits, guides, angels or ancestors you work with

  • Reading or journaling

  • Repeating mantras or affirmations

There are many more ideas for daily practice, but the aim is to start finding the magic in our daily routines.

Being a Witch is so much more than being able to cast spells – it is about how we walk through and interact with the world.

5. Embrace Being a Beginner

The final tip is to simply embrace and accept the fact that you are a new Witch.

I see a lot of beginners desperate to run through the basics and trying to learn everything they can as quickly as they can.

While some eagerness and excitement are to be expected and encouraged, it’s also essential to take your development at the right pace.

I have seen new Witches become obsessive for a few months and live and breathe everything Witchcraft and then become out of balance and ultimately burn out.

This fixation has led to some individuals turning away from Witchcraft completely and, sadly, means the witchcraft community loses some talented new Witches.

There is genuinely no hurry to learn everything.

You will be a much more effective Witch by developing a sound knowledge-base supported by a regular magical practice that grows slowly and steadily.

Even the most experienced Witch will be a beginner in particular areas of Witchcraft.

For example, despite being a Witch for 23 years, I am still a beginner when it comes to certain types of divination, such as reading the runes.

Also, I go back to the basics all the time.

When I feel that I am getting off my pathway or losing my connection, I will go back to grounding and centring exercises and my daily practice.

You can afford to take your time – your pathway and magic aren’t going anywhere!

So, there we go – 5 tips and tricks to assist you onto your pathway as a beginner, Witch.

Welcome to the neighbourhood … it’s a magical ride!


Pre-order the third edition of our bestselling Witches Planner, Your Magical Guide to the Waxing Year 2022, shipping late November 2021.

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Kath Wallace
Kath Wallace
Jan 05, 2021

@Rachel ... she would be one of my suggestions.. I love her and her YouTube channel.. she’s so authentic


Unknown member
Jan 05, 2021

I love Tyllaun Perry’s books. She’s a solitary pagan witch and author. You can buy her books on her website “ The Wolfenhowle Press” and she has a You Tube channel where she does a series of “ little chats” which are really fascinating. Hope this helps x


Kath Wallace
Kath Wallace
Jan 05, 2021

OK ... I’m seeing lots of calls for book suggestions so I’ll suggest some books/authors in a Forum Post


Jan 05, 2021

Hello and Merry Meet - I too would like some book recommendations please. I’ve borrowed from a friend The Real Witches Handbook by Kate West which I’ve found very informative, and would like to read much much more! I have been teaching myself tarot since the first lockdown last March and now have a modest 5 decks and 4 oracle decks. I love my decks and passionate about tarot. I’m hoping to learn reiki this year and would also like to work with runes and pendulum. I’m drawn to the moon and use her in conjunction with my moon rituals. Btw the Magical Guide to the Waxing Year is awesome thank you. Lots of info and advice in there and…


Jilly Pearce
Jilly Pearce
Jan 05, 2021

I would love some book recommendations too! Ive always found myself drawn to crystals and nature/ herbs Thank you

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